Tuesday 15 December 2015

Anthony's thoughts Smash Bros final DLC (with rant)



I've lost my hope, Sakurai decided to never picked up Shovel Knight or Shantae. Two of our favorite independent characters were all flushed out by two unknown characters that i don't understand why...?!

Yes, i am aware that Bayonetta was actually picked up in ballot, because of Bayonetta 2 in Wii U. Personally, it may sound like good idea on the paper, because Bayonetta franchise is definitely not for kids, because it has violents and nudity with Rated M (For mature). But instead, he decided to pick her up as a winner than Shantae?! What the F***?!  Could he supposed to look a the numbers of voting for DLC fighter?! But nope, he decided to shrugged off and pick her up along with Corrin.

Guess what?! Corrin is another character of Fire Emblem!! WTF, Man!?!?!!? This isn't fair!!! I mean, yes we have some interesting characters in this "franchise" like Marth, Ike, Robin, Lucina and Roy, but Corrin?!!?  Im sorry, this character has to be scrapped and give us our money for this!! I felt like i was betrayed by Nintendo for losing my hope with my favorite indie character! I mean, i felt like was slapped by Sakurai like Konami slapped at Hideo Kojima because of Metal Gear Solid 5: The phantom pain.

*sigh* I think my heart is broken for this horrifying ending of Smash Bros DLC...  Im ok for Bayonetta in Smash Bros, except for one B**** in Fire Emblem...


I really don't wanna live on this planet anymore... I mean the whole world is getting worse. Donald Trump is beating up at Muslims, ISIS is gonna kill us all, Nintendo made me lose my hope and i don't think i have a happy meter enough to watching Star Wars: The force awakens... *my tears drop out of my face*

Why...  Why we have this at the ending of 2015... *start to cry*

I... I need a minute, please... :'(

*several minutes later*


*take a breath and sniff*  Im very sorry that this "thing" made me very upset like a 5 year old kid, because i was wishing for Shantae to make her epic chance, but like i said for my rage, i've lost my hope...  In the end, i felt that Smash Bros Wii U/3DS is like a Nintendo version of Destiny. Which we're highly anticipated for a good one, but in the end, we lost our hope for a good one, that it turned into a disappointment... *wipe my tears and sniff*

If you guys are very happy of Bayonetta in Smash Bros, thats fine. If you guys are very mad or very sad without Shantae and Shovel Knight, i understand that we have no luck...

If you have an agreement or you also have a rant, send me a comments bellow, because i really like to know about you thoughts.

Again, il apologies for my anger of this. So thanks for reading and im Anthony, signing out...

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