Friday 6 May 2016

Anthony's thoughts: Overwatch Beta

Hey guys.

Last time, i was ranted about Tracer's butt that she was like harassed by SJW for Nothing. And some people felt that her pose doesn't fit for her personality. Until in April, they Blizzard finally made a new pose of "over the shoulder" that was based on a vintage cheesecake pin-up. Nice touch and take that, SJW! >8D

Anyway, the game will release on May 24 2016, but first they released a beta version at May 5 to 9 2016, which finally everyone like me give a shot for our anticipation.

When i was entered, i was quiet curious why "play" and "Hero gallery" was closed. It turned out that i have to wait for the game's instillation. Couldn't  Blizzard released it little bit quickly than waiting for instillation? I guess its because we're find out how the gameplay works on tutorial and tutorial range. Once i entered in tutorial, i was excited find out who am i play. You started as Soldier 76 in tutorial for a basic control with a help of A.I. named Athena and you meet Tracer as you follow her for a movements. In tutorial range, you have two characters like Soldier 76 and Tracer, im ok for them, because they're pretty cool. :)

Once it was finally finished of installing, you're ready to play a matches. For the game play itself, its kinda like a Blizzard version of Team Fortress 2, with similar matches like bring the target machine to the enemies basement and Control points.

And like TF2, you can chose a characters who's in types, offense (Six characters), defense (Also six characters), tank (Five characters) and support (Four characters).

For my favorite characters when i played, i like Pharah (Which she looks kinda like Samus Aran, but with rocket launcher, jet pack and even her barrage of rockets, pretty badass, eh?), Reaper (He's also badass that he's wielding a duo shotguns! 0_0), Soldier 76 (Although he has nothing special, but he looks cool with his outfit and his mask.), Tracer (Yup, she's one the fans favorite in the game.), Baston (That robot is cool but it can be unfair that it can turn into a turret form to easily kill you and repair itself. ^^;), Widowmaker (She's is pretty sexy as a sniper. But im not very good as a sniper in online Quick play, guys...), D.VA (A girl in a mecha in a matches, what could possibly go wrong?! :3 Although its pretty cool and cute, but she has a small damage points to kill your enemy, but if you lose your, you better find the wayto hide yourself and wait to bring you mecha back.), Roadhog (I mean Wow, he's such a beast. 0_0) and Mercy (She's like Medic from TF2, but even awesome that she can revive your partner.).

Not to mention, the beta version didn't have a story or any other stuff, which we'll find out for three weeks later.

My only problem when i played, is that some characters has a small ammo like 40 or 20, you'll easily running up for reloading and you'll end up leaving yourself as an open fire from your enemy, but at least you have an infinite magazines for your weapons. Unless the game has an limit of magazines in the initial release, we don't know if its true or not, we'll find out.

Overall, its actually pretty good in a beta version, im looking forward for the initial release. :)

So thats all for now and im Anthony, signing out. ;)