Thursday 4 August 2016

Anthony's reasons: never watch Ghostbusters 2016

Warning: This is not a message for all of you guys, this is only my opinion. Readers discretion advised.

Hey guys, my name is Anthony and...  This not really my movie review (well kinda), this is my personal reason why i didn't watch Ghostbusters 2016. Why i am i write this? Because i've seen plenty of people seems enjoy that i feel like i am jealous that i hate it. So i wanted to get off my chest to explain why i cannot watch this movie.

First up, when i heard about a new Ghostbusters, i was hoping to be promising it needs to be a but darker, more funny and entertaining with some new actors to replace the original ones (Especially with Harold Ramis, because he's already dead he was inspired by many comedian actors, Rest in peace. :(). But they said that they're focusing with the female that i was like "Uhh... Ok?". 

But when the trailer came out, i was like "Uhh yeah... I don't think its my kind of movie that il watch.". Which resulted a whole lotta dislikes to calling it "Worst trailer on Youtube" and nobody will ever pre-order a tickets to see it, even James Rolfe was unimpressed by it that he'll never review that he likes the original Ghostbusters like me, i understand for his opinion which i knew its gonna be a bad one. This result a backlash over the internet to calling everyone like me a "Sexist". These SJW is taking way to seriously to blaming our opinion that this movie isn't worth of anticipation. Its not for sexism, its the fact that the jokes and the effects is ugly with CGI and the acting isn't that good that it feels like Saturday Night Live (i've nothing against SNL, because i never watch it.).

But when the movie came out, i was expected to be a bad movie with a negative review. But all the sudden, everybody is enjoyed it?? Ok, i can respect all of your opinion that whether you love or hate. But when i heard that they gave a above average review? This isn't good. This isn't good movie at all, i feel like that the fanboys and fangirls is going to laughing their butts off because i hate it. Its as if i have no respect nor sympathy with my opinion, or even they never trust my autism that i'd rather taking my own life with my depression.

With all further do, im going to make my small list for the reasons why il never watch this movie.

1: The story
I was expecting to have a good story like the original had. It should be similar like before where they setting up as the exterminator of ghosts namely "Ghostbusters" to save the world from supernatural. But instead, the movie is focusing on comedy than follow the story that i felt its gonna be like a badly work of Batman V Superman with a butt load of confusions of story. Its a if the writer loves about comedy than the story. Seriously, be original about the story, we like to follow, but they never make about Ghostbusters fighting against a villain name "Rowan", its all about having a subplot that is nothing to do with the main plot.

2: The effects and productions
I was expect if the producers could make a promising effect to be like the original one, but with CGI. But sadly, the CG model is so bad that its ugly and its almost feel like a next gen video game like the new Slimer, i find it too ugly and bad than the original that im about to barf in my bag. Well, sure the proton beams is good, the gadgets can be creative creative and even Ecto-1 is back, which is they're did a nice one, but thats just scratching the surface. The effects is rather bellow average that i can easily say. Just bellow.

3: the characters, acting and the jokes
Like i said before, i was expected to have some good actors to replace the original casts. But with the females, its a bellow average concepts that it maybe a good one. But since they showed.  Oh boy, they showed...
The characters of the members of Ghostbusters is probably the least moments of the film. Its not the sexism problem, the number one problem is how they portrayed, these have no creative at all, they're just plain stereotypical like one of them is just ordinary sexy girl with gadget, one of them is a joke of African American or even some is like "No worry, i can do it by myself!". But sure they have some a good actresses who's in the movie like Melissa McCarthy.
But sometimes, they picked some actors that we love who's in the embarrassment, i mean i actually feel sorry for Chris Hemsworth to be in it, its as if they paid to bring Thor into the reboot. Not to mention, it has the cameos, but i heard some of them are good to be back and others, not. And some jokes isn't even that funny that i was like scratching my head of confusion and asking a lot of questions. Its as if they're trying to be funny, but failed with non-sense thats it almost like it was written by 15 year old. The acting is like i said, feels like its a movie version of SNL, the actors choice is embarrassing and the jokes isn't as funny to expecting.

Overall, i find that Ghostbusters 2016 is not the best movie i've ever expected. The story barely have it, the effects are mixed bag, the characters are stereotypical, the acting is embarrassing and i find it not funny. For me, i doesn't feel like a "Reboot", its more like a parody that they want to make money to our fav supernatural comedy, but they just wasted up. I don't recommend to watch it for anyone who's curious about it. Its only for "Die hard" fans of Ghostbusters that i may or may not respect their opinion that they love it. But for the others like me, just stick to the original Ghostbusters.

And finally, i apologize for all you guys who watched Ghostbusters that i hate it. Like i said, its just that i want to get off my chest to explain the reason why i hate this so-called "reboot". I probably know that i take too seriously for my rant. If not, well i guess that il losing my fans that they'll send me a hate comments, death threats and the anti-autism comments since i have it like asperger syndrome, ADHD and probably a depression (kinda). I don't want to piss you off, i just want to make my opinion of it.

So thats all for now and im Anthony, signing out.

Friday 6 May 2016

Anthony's thoughts: Overwatch Beta

Hey guys.

Last time, i was ranted about Tracer's butt that she was like harassed by SJW for Nothing. And some people felt that her pose doesn't fit for her personality. Until in April, they Blizzard finally made a new pose of "over the shoulder" that was based on a vintage cheesecake pin-up. Nice touch and take that, SJW! >8D

Anyway, the game will release on May 24 2016, but first they released a beta version at May 5 to 9 2016, which finally everyone like me give a shot for our anticipation.

When i was entered, i was quiet curious why "play" and "Hero gallery" was closed. It turned out that i have to wait for the game's instillation. Couldn't  Blizzard released it little bit quickly than waiting for instillation? I guess its because we're find out how the gameplay works on tutorial and tutorial range. Once i entered in tutorial, i was excited find out who am i play. You started as Soldier 76 in tutorial for a basic control with a help of A.I. named Athena and you meet Tracer as you follow her for a movements. In tutorial range, you have two characters like Soldier 76 and Tracer, im ok for them, because they're pretty cool. :)

Once it was finally finished of installing, you're ready to play a matches. For the game play itself, its kinda like a Blizzard version of Team Fortress 2, with similar matches like bring the target machine to the enemies basement and Control points.

And like TF2, you can chose a characters who's in types, offense (Six characters), defense (Also six characters), tank (Five characters) and support (Four characters).

For my favorite characters when i played, i like Pharah (Which she looks kinda like Samus Aran, but with rocket launcher, jet pack and even her barrage of rockets, pretty badass, eh?), Reaper (He's also badass that he's wielding a duo shotguns! 0_0), Soldier 76 (Although he has nothing special, but he looks cool with his outfit and his mask.), Tracer (Yup, she's one the fans favorite in the game.), Baston (That robot is cool but it can be unfair that it can turn into a turret form to easily kill you and repair itself. ^^;), Widowmaker (She's is pretty sexy as a sniper. But im not very good as a sniper in online Quick play, guys...), D.VA (A girl in a mecha in a matches, what could possibly go wrong?! :3 Although its pretty cool and cute, but she has a small damage points to kill your enemy, but if you lose your, you better find the wayto hide yourself and wait to bring you mecha back.), Roadhog (I mean Wow, he's such a beast. 0_0) and Mercy (She's like Medic from TF2, but even awesome that she can revive your partner.).

Not to mention, the beta version didn't have a story or any other stuff, which we'll find out for three weeks later.

My only problem when i played, is that some characters has a small ammo like 40 or 20, you'll easily running up for reloading and you'll end up leaving yourself as an open fire from your enemy, but at least you have an infinite magazines for your weapons. Unless the game has an limit of magazines in the initial release, we don't know if its true or not, we'll find out.

Overall, its actually pretty good in a beta version, im looking forward for the initial release. :)

So thats all for now and im Anthony, signing out. ;)

Sunday 13 March 2016

Anthony's thoughts: ePrix Mexico

Wow, i gotta say, it was fun, but it may be intense and controversial at the end.

It all started during a Qualification, Jérôme d'Ambrosio (driver in Team Dragon) took a pole position for a good record and gain 3 points. Also Nelson Piquet Jr was crashed and he had to start to the bottom grid.

In the race, i was expect that d'Ambrosio will stay in the lead, but then Lucas di Grassi (from ABT Schaeffler Audi) passed him for the battle in the lead (or not?). Meanwhile, Antonio Felix Da Costa had suffered a penalty with 10 seconds pit, got a black with orange circle flag for going in pit earlier. But not before he got crashed from losing his control.

At the near end, Sebastian Buemi and Nicolas Prost from E.DAMS, d'Ambrosio and Daniel Abt (also from Schaeffler) are fighting each other in the second place, especially with a frustration radio voice with Buemi and d'Ambrosio (with "The F*** is he doing?!"). I mean, yes, it is pretty hard for performing with electronic cars (depends on the manufacture sparks) to passing at opponents. I mean, d'Ambrosio would've end up crashing at E.DAMS for a huge risk. (And before you ask, yes, there was a part where Buemi accidentally touch at d'Ambrosio's back.)

At the end, the so call "winner" is Lucas di Grassi. But i say "winner", its because he was Disqualified because his car was found to be underweight, in other words, he cheated. So the winner goes to Jérôme d'Ambrosio, the second and third place is Sebastian Buemi and Nicolas Prost, i think this is the second time we have two drivers in the same team to the podium (The first time was Team Dragon in 2nd round of ePrix London in 2015.). As for the fastest lap, d'Ambrosio was supposed to have one, but because of a battle of second place where he drove outside of line for a cutting-corner, it belongs to Prost.

Like i said, it was fun, but it might be a huge risk at the ending. Next time, we're going to my favorite track at April 2nd, Long Beach, California. ;)